地址:宁波市会展路181号 315000
邮箱: sales@tcipacking.com

天弛主要生产四氟鲍尔环,泰勒花环,等塑料及金属化工填料,四氟,橡胶垫片,金属包覆垫,缠绕垫,编织盘根,四氟膨胀节,丝网除雾器,产品广泛应用于钢铁,石油,机械,化工,船舶等行业 .........

四氟鲍尔环20×20×2 四氟鲍尔环20×20×2
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene Pall ring (100% pure PTFE) is a kind of special plastic random packing designed to serve special working environment and applications.
四氟包覆EPDM垫 四氟包覆EPDM垫
PTFE bonded EPDM for maximum corrosion resistance Perfect sealing at low bolt tightening torque ratings; longer gasket life Ideal for plastic piping systems, as well as metal or plastic-lined metal systems
全新料四氟板 全新料四氟板
PTFE products including virgin PTFE sheets, Moulded PTFE sheet, PTFE tube, PTFE rod, PTFE film and gaskets, etc
丝网除沫器 丝网除沫器
Wire mesh demister pads (also known as mesh mist eliminator, mist, catching mist) is used for gas entrained mist separation column
四氟包覆EPDM垫夹水线 四氟包覆EPDM垫夹水线
PTFE bonded EPDM for maximum corrosion resistance Perfect sealing at low bolt tightening torque ratings; longer gasket life Ideal for plastic piping systems, as well as metal or plastic-lined metal systems
金属缠绕垫 金属缠绕垫
T.C.I Spiral wound gaskets are manufactured from V-shaped (or W shaped) metal strips, spirally wound with an inlay of soft filler (Graphite, PTFE, asbestos etc ) material between each turn. They form a very effective seal when compressed between two flanges.
石棉浸四氟盘根 石棉浸四氟盘根
Asbestos PTFE Packing is made of whiteasbestos fiber cords impregnated with PTFE dispersion.
膨体四氟密封带 膨体四氟密封带
Expanded PTFE Joint Sealant (Self-adhensive ) is made in white and 100% virgin ptfe (Polytetrafluoroethylene) plastic with continuous banding
泰勒花环 2K, 3k, 1R, 2R, 3R 泰勒花环 2K, 3k, 1R, 2R, 3R
Tellerette 2K Tower Packing maintains good liquid distribution through packing depths in excess of 10 metres.
船用四氟膨胀节 船用四氟膨胀节
The PTFE expansion joints are unreinforced PTFE that come standard with iron 150# drill flanges. Stainless flanges are available. They are avaialable in 2, 3, or 5 convolutions of varing movements. The 2-convolution joint is sometimes referred to as a "coupling".
版权所有 © 宁波天弛橡塑制品有限公司 All rights reserved.